How we Support

Supported Housing | Care & Support
We offer people person-centred support to develop practical daily living skills, and tools for managing their mental health so that they can self-manage and stay well longer term.
We support people to manage general housing issues, benefits and finances. Once they are ready to start the process of moving on, we help them to register on housing lists, and to search for and view suitable properties.
Alongside practical skills development, we work alongside people to build tools to manage their day-to-day mental health, identify and protect against triggers, and put in place plans for dealing with a crisis.
We support them to identify and engage with training, volunteering and employment opportunities in line with their personal recovery goals. We also help them to develop hobbies and engage in social activities, building informal and personal support networks to protect against relapse.
Staff are available on site 24hrs to offer support at several points throughout the day and night.
We provide support through genuinely individualised person centred care that respects the individual and promotes independence and the achievement of personal goals. We promote a culture of positive behaviour support based on the values of recognising each person’s individuality and their human rights, a rejection of adverse and restrictive practices, focusing on the person and their needs rather than the behaviour.
Gentle Steps Living ltd work in partnership with individuals, family and carers as well as social care and health professionals, ensuring the highest levels of support, focusing on achieving quality and measurable outcomes for people, for example, using comprehensive Health Action plans for health and wellbeing including mental health, supporting someone with communication difficulties to get the support they need and training staff in different communication methods.
forensic and mental health services hamilton ohio

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To book a consultation with one of our dedicated staff and to see how we can provide help to you or your loved ones, please book a consultation meeting with us.
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